By Abeer Haroon, April 2017.

For this project, I chose to make a song about RoboCop. The song follows the plot of the movie, starting off with how RoboCop is brought back from the dead and designed as a man-machine hybrid, designed to fight crime in Detroit City. Midway through, RoboCop starts questioning his true identity after taking revenge on the gang that killed his family, as seen in the lyrics “I took my revenge but what is truly my fate?”. Eventually, he establishes his identity as a police officer named Murphy, serving the city; as seen in the end of the song, “I’m a copper, I’m no sinner, a protector, no fool …the law is my purpose, serve justice to the public, it’s true … I am Murphy”

This led me to ask whether a man-machine hybrid such as RoboCop can have a unique personal identity. I believe so since RoboCop experiences an identity crisis, similarly to humans. This crisis was possible due to his memory from before the transformation still remaining intact.